Website Overview






Over the past several years, I have given a number of slide lectures at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC based upon my book Not Built in a Day: Exploring the Architecture of Rome.   The book is a walking-tour guide, designed to be carried around the city and read in the presence of the architecture being discussed.   It consists of individual essays – sometimes very short, sometimes quite long – that analyze and explore 178 separate sites within the city.


During one of the question-and-answer periods that follow each lecture, someone in the audience asked the question:  Why not expand the book's function and reach out to a wider audience by putting the photographs and maps from the lectures on the internet? is the result of that suggestion.  It will, I hope, give the home viewer a unique armchair-travel experience – an enjoyable and instructive guided tour of one of the world's most fascinating cities.


– George Sullivan               







EXPLORING THE ARCHITECTURE OF ROME is an ongoing project.  Its purpose is two-fold:  1) to supply viewers reading Not Built in a Day at home with photographs and diagrams illustrating the points made in the text;  and 2) to supply legible printable maps for readers on-site in Rome who are using older small-screen electronic devices instead of the printed text.  Currently (), the MAPS section of the website is complete, and contains all the print-version maps along with downloading instructions.  The TOURS section is a work-in-progress, and is gradually being expanded to include all 178 of the sights described in the printed text, with each sight possessing its own individual web page.  The INDEX section contains links to the individual sight-pages that are already completed, and also lists the sights that are still to come.


First-time visitors who do not have immediate access to the printed version of Not Built in a Day should click on any of the ten links listed below.  These entries (unlike the entries in the TOURS section) include virtually all the text from the book;  they are meant to offer a representative sampling of the book's essays to new readers, and to show what makes Not Built in a Day different from other walking-tour guides.

For further information about the organization of Not Built in a Day, see the first page of the TOURS section, which gives a brief description of the book's twelve walking tours.  Buon viaggio!






Introduction and Orientation from Not Built in a Day.

Reviews of Not Built in a Day on Amazon.

George Sullivan's Rome Lectures at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

Purchase Not Built in a Day through Amazon.

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